Green From the Start®

We are an industry pioneer in the processing of mineral products for environmentally beneficial uses. Minimizing the environmental impact and capturing value from coal combustion by-products has been a core service and technology focus since the 1930s, making Reed Minerals one of America’s first green companies. Our value-added service to utility producers provides a solution to site waste removal, material handling and cost reduction by engineering “green” uses for the abrasives and roofing marketplaces, both of which are sold under the well-known BLACK BEAUTY® brand name. Reed Minerals’ coal aggregate is also used for commercial structural fill, waste water filtration, anti-skid and mine grout.

Safety First

Located in southeast Ohio, our Gallipolis coal slag abrasive and roofing granule manufacturing facility began operating in 1985. 28 years later, our team maintains an impressive safety record; they have never experienced a lost work day case. 475,000+ man hours producing 1.6 million tons and executing over 60,000 order transactions  —  one of our top product yielding facilities within the business — have a complete dedication to safety. This commendable record can be attributed in part to superior site housekeeping, experienced safety leadership — that not only leads safety training programs, but also creates a safety culture — and an investment in a safety training room and improved media deployment materials. 

Our colleagues work mainly outdoors, weathering various temperatures and precipitation throughout the year, without losing focus on safety. Their Total Recordable Incident Rate (TRIR) was 0.0 for 2012 and incurred zero fatalities; it has been 18 years since the last recordable injury. Continually impressive, Gallipolis’ major injury rate (MIR) for 2012 was also 0.0. A Fatality Prevention Plan (FPP) assessment was completed with only one red action item identified – hazard warning signage. The red action item was completed in a timely manner. The site finished a framework assessment in 2013.

Each colleague has dedicated themselves completely to safety every day for the past 28 years – over 10,000 days.Their safety record and culture is one that we model ours after throughout the business.


BLACK BEAUTY® blasting abrasives are known for their high quality, low dusting and low free silica attributes.

BLACK BEAUTY® Platinum is a high-quality calcium iron silicate abrasive media with enhanced cutting performance.

BLACK BEAUTY® GLASS is high quality, chemically inert, environmentally friendly and contain less than 1% free silica.

BLACK BEAUTY® IRON abrasives are currently available out of our FL, PA, TX facilities in three industry-standard grades.


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